Angel Guzmán and Ligia Serna share a deep passion for their country’s youth. Both members of a professional network dedicated to promoting best practices when working with families and kids and advocating for children’s rights, Angel and Ligia are multiplying their impact across their communities.

An initiative of the family-centered violence prevention program Proponte Más, the network now has 42 members, all men and women whose professions touch Honduran youth. From judges to school teachers, these professionals are given access to scholarships for master’s programs with emphasis on family systems, service opportunities and trainings.

“I decided to get involved as a leader in the network because at 12 years old, I ran away from home. I lived in the streets with drug addicts,” said Angel Guzmán. “I had to work to become who I am today, the teacher I am today. And I wanted to help other people who had the same needs as I did… so maybe other wouldn’t make the same mistakes I did.”

Together, the network’s members have dedicated over 800 hours of community service, and over 200 hours of individual service. Additionally, more than 30 professionals enrolled in one of two master’s programs: family counseling or juvenile justice and child protection.

“We see that other institutions need our help as a network and that they count on us,” said Ligia Serna. “Because this is a calling.”